25/07/09 - 31/07/09 - Special Olympics 2009

On the 31st of July was the Special Olympics which was held for the first time in 20 years Leicester. We had twelve members attend this competition which were Greg, Holly, Thomas (Search), Jacob, Thomas (Farley), Peter, Daniel, Alex (Reich), Oliver, James, Liam and Emma.

Greg had 3 fights, won one and lost one and came away with silver.

Holly also had 3 fights, won them all and came away with gold.

Thomas (Search) had 3 fights as well, but sadly lost them all coming away with a bronze.

Daniel was put in to 2 groups for this fights. In his first group he had 3 fights, won them all and came away with gold for that group. In his second group he had 4 fights, lost one but won the rest and came away with a silver for that group.

Alex had only one fight and with this being his first competition as well won his fight and got gold.

Oliver, Liam and James were put all in the same group along with one other person and they all had to fight each other.

Oliver won all his fights and came away with gold.

Liam sadly lost all his fights but came away with forth bronze.

James won two of his fight and lost one resulting him coming away with a silver.

Afterwards was the team events.

Group 1: 3rd Bronze

1st East Midland, 2nd Scotland West 'B', 3rd South East 'A' - Oliver, Daniel and Alex, 4th South West.

Group 2: Gold
1st South East 'B' - Emma, Holly, Peter, 2nd Wales, 3rd Northern 'A', 4th Lothian 'A'.

Group 3: Gold
1st South East 'C' - James, Liam, Thomas (Search), 2nd Scotland West 'A', 3rd Northern 'B'.

Group 4: Silver
1st Lothian 'B', 2nd South East 'D' Jacob, Gregory, Thomas (Farley), 3rd Northern 'C'.